IMRF Side Event: Localizing the Global Compacts with a Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees
This IMRF Side-Event will formally launch the Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees, and will be co-hosted by the GFMD Mayors Mechanism partners, together with the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development and UNHCR.
Updates on the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF)
Local and regional governments are coming to the IMRF showing how local governments concretely spearhead ambitious, people-centered, and inclusive action on migration and displacement.
Event: Multi-stakeholder Partnerships – African intermediary cities as actors and partners in urban migration governance
The Equal Partnerships project holds a city migration workshop at the 9th Africities Summit where the Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action will be discussed
Briefing Session on the IMRF
The Mayors Mechanism invites you to a briefing session for local and regional governments on the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) to be held on Wednesday 13 April 15:00-16:00 (CEST).
Migration & Displacement in Contexts of Crisis: What are LRGs doing to save and protect lives?
This Peer Learning event will gather MM members, international partners and other local actors to discuss and identify the realities, initiatives and challenges of local and regional governments to preserve the life and dignity of all people unconditionally.
The Secretary-General’s Report on the GCM: Our response!
On the 16th of February, 2022, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, briefed Member States and Stakeholders on his 2nd report on the progress of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Read our response!
France and Senegal confirmed to co-chair GFMD as of July 2022
At the November 2021 - Friends of the Forum meeting, France and Senegal confirmed their co-chairmanship of the GFMD, starting in July 2022 until December 2023.
The GFMD Summit and the close of the 2020 UAE Chairmanship
This year’s GFMD marked its most inclusive Summit ever — offering local and national governments a true opportunity to come together in common dialogue.
Launch of ‘It Takes a Community’
On March 29, 2021 the Mayors Mechanism, together with the governments of Canada, Ecuador and the International Organization for Migration, launched ‘It Takes a Community’.