Updates on the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF)
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The Mayors Mechanism – co-steered by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), the Mayors Migration Council (MMC), and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) – is pleased to share with you our latest updates with regards to the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF).
For the first time, UN Member States and other stakeholders will meet in New York between May 16th – 20th at the IMRF to assess the progress they’ve made to achieve the objectives and guiding principles of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).
The IMRF will result in a Progress Declaration, which will be adopted on the last day of the IMRF. The Declaration will assess progress made so far, as well as indicate areas in which further international cooperation is needed. The final draft has been released just this week by the co-facilitators Bangladesh and Luxemburg. Click here to access the final draft.
Along with the Global Task Force on Local and Regional Governments (GTF) and a growing group of UN Member States and other partners, we have been advocating to meaningfully engage local governments (LRGs) in the IMRF discussions.
Local governments are concretely bringing more than 60 local actions and commitments that advance the GCM and GCR in unison, as part of a Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees, which will be launched in a dedicated side-event at the IMRF.
Local and regional governments activities at the IMRF
What will our constituency do throughout the forum?
Local and regional governments are coming to the IMRF showing how local governments concretely spearhead ambitious, people-centered, and inclusive action on migration and displacement.
From 16 – 18 May, our constituency will participate in the formal programme of the IMRF, holding speaking roles at:
IMRF Multi-Stakeholder Hearing – 16 May
IMRF Thematic Roundtables – 17 and 18 May
IMRF Policy Debate – 18 May
The Mayors Mechanism partners will also hold a series of meetings including:
The Lampedusa Charter on Human Mobility: a municipalist call for dignity and territorial solidarity, IMRF side event hosted by UCLG – 17 May
UCLG - Global Task Force Local and Regional Governments Day – 17 May
Launch of the Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees, IMRF side event hosted by the Mayors Mechanism and partners – 18 May
Facilitating safe and regular migration pathways in a changing climate, IMRF side event hosted by the C40-MMC Global Mayors Task Force and partners – 18 May
Below you can find a detailed agenda, which includes:
The different activities of relevance to the local and regional government constituency
The local and regional government delegation that will join us in New York.
This agenda will be updated as information on participation and streaming becomes available.
Launch of a Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees
The Mayors Mechanism will launch a Call to Local Action at the IMRF to showcase local solutions that promote rights-based migration governance, in line with the Marrakech Mayors Declaration.
The Call to Local Action is a collaborative effort between the Mayors Mechanism steering committee members – UCLG, MMC and IOM – and is executed in partnership with UNHCR. It aims to capture and streamline local government action and commitment towards the formal reporting and pledging platforms of the GCM, the Global Compact for Refugees (GCR) and the Global Forum for Migration and Development (GFMD).
As part of this effort, local governments are bringing over 60 local practices to the IMRF.
We will update you about this process in the coming days.
Join us on social media!
You can follow the activities of our constituency on Twitter by:
Using #CitiesIMRF and #Call2Action
Following @GFMDMayors
At the first ever IMRF, we will ensure the messages of local and regional are heard loud and clear.