2025 Colombian GFMD Chairmanship
Here you can find the documents related to the MM activities under the current GFMD Chairmanship
2024 French GFMD Chairmanship
Here you can find the documents related to the MM activities under the 2024 French GFMD Chairmanship
UN Migration and Refugee Compacts
Here you can find the documents related to the Mayors Mechanism activities relating to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and Global Compact on Refugees.
2021 UAE GFMD Chairmanship
Here you can find the documents related to the MM activities under the past GFMD Chairmanship.
Past GFMD and Mayoral Fora on Human Mobility, Migration and Development
Here you can find all background documents of the previous GFMD Chairmanships, and Mayoral Fora on Human Mobility, Migration and Development.