Global Forum on Migration & Development 2025

The Colombian GFMD 2025 Chairmanship

On September 3, 2024, Ambassador Gallón – Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations in Geneva and Chair of the GFMD - formally launched Colombia’s GFMD Programme (English, French, Spanish), entitled ‘Regular Migration, Labour Mobility and Human Rights: Pillars of Development and Well-Being of Societies’

The Summit will address 6 thematic areas:  

  1. Strength in Movement: The Impact of Women on Global Migration and Development

  2. Children and Youth on the Move: Innovators for Tomorrow’s Development

  3. The Interplay of Media and Culture to Construct and Deconstruct the Reality of Migration

  4. Climate Change: Safe Labour Routes as a Bridge to Prosperity

  5. Regional Cooperation and Integration to Promote Safe and Regular Migration for Development

  6. New Technologies and Digitalization: Improving Migration Management and Regular Migration Pathways

Key dates and next steps: 

  • The Summit will take place in Colombia in the last semester of 2025 (exact date to be confirmed). 

  • The GFMD Community will meet in Geneva in 6-7 November 2024, 12 – 13 February 2025 and 4-5 June 2025 for thematic preparatory consultations. For an overview of Mayors Mechanism Statements Delivered in these preparatory meetings, click here.

  • The GFMD Mayors Mechanism is currently working with the Colombian Chair, the GFMD Secretariat and the other GFMD Mechanisms to discuss modalities of local and regional government engagement and participation in the Summit. 

  • Access the full GFMD Calendar here.