Outcomes of Peer Learning Activities on Climate Migration and Displacement – June and July 2023

The Mayors Mechanism hosted a number of peer learning activities on the topic of climate change and displacement in June and July:
1. In-person deep dive on climate migration with the City of Paris – 27 June
On the side-lines of the GFMD workshops, the City of Paris hosted a technical exchange for cities on Tuesday, 27 June to discuss the results of the “Climate Migration in Urban Areas: Challenges, Representations and Inclusion” project developed by the City of Paris and IOM.
Read summary notes from the session here.
Participants discussed existing practices, lessons learned and elements of success, e.g.
Cross departmental work at city level is key to ensure a just ecological transition. This requires capacity and political buy in from city leadership.
Initiatives like this one, where the City of Paris worked directly with UN Agencies to assess the impact of climate change on displacement, are valuable examples to be replicated.
Strong call to channel national and international funds to local administrations.
Cities are laboratories to test inclusive responses to climate change, including giving voice to migrants in the design of local policies, seizing migration as opportunity in the green transition and leveraging indigenous knowledge of migrants for local adaptation.
2. Online peer learning opportunity: “Climate Migration and Displacement: What are LRGs doing?” – 4 and 5 July
From 4 to 5 July, UCLG hosted a peer learning session on Climate Migration and Displacement as part of the Call to Local Action on Migrants and Refugees.
Glimpse of the event:
A great number of cities joined the discussions, each one sharing their own local practices as well as existing opportunities and challenges – see here several city presentations. We are preparing a Peer Learning Summary Note, which will be shared in the coming weeks.
The Mayors Mechanism will host another peer learning event this autumn on migrant and refugee inclusion in local policy making. Dates to be confirmed – stay tuned!