Mayors Mechanism Launches White Paper on Regular Migration Pathways


(19 February 2025)

Today, at the Second Global Forum for Migration and Development (GFMD) Preparatory Meeting, the Mayors Mechanism launched its White Paper:

Brokering Solutions: How Local and Regional Governments Shape Regular Migration Pathways.

This Paper analyses how local governments design, advocate for and implement regular migration pathways, provides concrete examples and offers recommendations for national governments and the international community to unlock the potential of local governments in supporting regular pathways.  

The Paper draws from a mapping conducted by the Mayors Mechanism Secretariat and the Mayors Migration Council, and from responses to a pathways survey, circulated in October 2024.

This working document aims to inspire and support the 2024-2025 GFMD Colombian Chair, UN Agencies such as the International Organization for Migration (IOM) (and its Regular Pathways Secretariat) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), donors interested in supporting local governments in their regular pathways portfolios, and, lastly, local governments that are exploring to enhance their work on pathways. 


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